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No Win, No Fee Solicitors

No Win No Fee Chronic Pain Solicitors

'No Win No Fee' is a slogan we all know to be familiar, yet many do not know what it really means. Here is a short guide to explain why your claim might be funded by a no win no fee agreement, also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA)

Why do I need one?

With anything in life, there is a cost involved. The lawyer doing the work for you needs to be paid for their time, if you are buying or selling your home for example you are asked for money to pay for the lawyers time.  However, when you have had an accident there is funding in place which means you do not need to pay upfront. In answer to the question, you need a CFA for your lawyer to start work on your claim.

What is No Win No Fee?

A Conditional Fee Agreement is a contract between you and FT Chronic Pain Solicitors, it means we do the work needed and you give us instructions so we can work together as a team.

What does No Win No Fee mean?

This means if you lose your claim, you will not need to pay any costs. This is the no fee part. There are some conditions, such as giving us correct and truthful information and taking our advice. The contract sets these terms out to be clear and you have a copy which we explain to you before you sign.

We are Anne Felmingham and Paul Turner. With almost four decades of combined experience dealing in personal injury claims, we set up FT Chronic Pain Solicitors to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Don't just take our word for it, read what our clients have to say about us.

If you are unhappy with the way your current solicitor is handling your case, or you have any questions about beginning a new claim for your chronic pain condition, contact us for free, today. Our initial consultation is absolutely free, and we apply our wealth of knowledge and expertise to get the maximum for each client that we act for.

We specialise in CRPS and Fibromyalgia compensation claims. Read further details on how we can assist you with compensation claims related to these conditions.

We also act for clients who have been diagnosed with the following chronic pain conditions:

If you are uncertain if we can help, give us a call on 0800 999 1078. It costs you nothing to speak to us, and it could be the call that changes your life. 

If we can help, we will. 

What happens if I win my No Win No Fee case?

When you win your case, the costs incurred on your behalf are paid by the compensators, except for some costs which are to be paid by you.

If you win you will need to pay a fee. However, this sum is paid out of your damages (compensation) and you do not pay for this amount out of your own bank account. This amount will depend on the percentage success fee agreed, which varies depending on the degree of risks associated with your individual case, plus any other agreement for costs such as a shortfall.  Both are explained to you before any work is undertaken. Insurance, if taken out, is also payable. 

What happens if I lose my No Win No Fee case?

You won't pay anything if your claim is denied. You won't be charged, and your insurance will pay the expenses and fees incurred by your opponent.

Will all my compensation be used to pay the fees?

Absolutely not, there is a limit to any success fee, this can never be anymore than 25% of past losses and the injury element of your compensation (general damages).  If there is a shortfall, we discuss this with you but you would never pay out a large proportion of your damages leaving you with hardly any compensation.

Do you keep me updated on costs?

Yes, we provide updates every 6 months, these let you know what costs have been incurred over time.

What about other costs like paying for my medical report and treatment?

Medical reports, court fees and any other expenses for your claim are paid for by us initially and we may instruct a medical agency on your behalf as well. Ultimately, we seek to recover these from the other side when we settle your case.


If you lose your case we will ask your insurers to cover these costs. See Insurance below.

Treatment costs you have had as part of your claim are included in your damages claim called special damages, we recover these from the compensators and so once paid as part of your compensation we then pay that invoice on your behalf with settlement funds.

Legal Expenses Insurance

Some people have legal expenses insurance on an insurance policy, we can ask them if they will cover your costs and expenses should you lose. This type of insurance is also known as Before The Event insurance (BTE). If they are unable to provide cover we offer a no win no fee agreement instead and recommend insurance.

When we offer a no win no fee agreement, we recommend an insurance policy which covers the expenses (medical reports and court fees). Should we need to we can claim for these to be paid on your behalf so you do not need to. 

This insurance is known as After The Event insurance (ATE). The cost of this is nothing to you unless you win, only then is the premium payable.  We pay this for you out of your damages. You will receive a policy document and the amount to be paid will depend on the amount of damages you are awarded.The premiums increase with the damages on a sliding scale. Insurance risks and the legal costs and expenses tend to increase as claims become more valuable, hence insurance costing more the higher the damages become.

I have a personal injury claim, what happens if I want to get started?

If you have a claim and want to get this underway we will chat through your funding options and explain how these work.  We will only offer funding if you have a claim which we have deemed to have reasonable prospects of success following our risk assessment.  We then offer you a no win no fee agreement or contact your legal expenses insurers. Once funding is in place and everything is signed off, we apply for insurance (if this is not BTE) and start investigations.

We normally send you documents to sign by email or if easier by post.

​  I have a claim with another solicitor, how do I transfer my claim?

When you contact us we will ask you how your claim is funded by your current solicitor, if you do not know, do not worry.  We will always get a copy of your file of papers from them, so we know exactly what has happened and to put a plan of action in place.

As with any funding, we risk assess your claim and if a no win no fee is offered, we will advise you of the success fee.

If you have insurance, it can normally be moved with you.  If not, we take out a new policy.

Since we explain everything to you, you will feel comfortable getting funding in place. Any questions you have can be discussed before you agree anything.

Contact Us:

Thank you for getting in touch, a member of the team will contact you.

We have an agile working ethos so we can be where you are. Our values are based on you and your requirements. 
We are a modern law firm which is not constrained by bricks and mortar so we prefer electronic communication in relation to documents.
Office Address for pre arranged meetings:
FT Chronic Pain Solicitors - Law Firm
41 Paxmans Road
BA13 4HS
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Call us on 0800 999 1078 or email
View our full Terms and Conditions

FT Chronic Pain Solicitors is a trading name of FT Chronic Pain Limited, registered in England and Wales Company registration number 12880271, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority as an alternative business structure (ABS), license number 810130

Directors and Partners are Anne Felmingham, Principal Solicitor & Paul Turner. The term Partner is used to refer to a member of FT Chronic Pain Ltd or an employee or consultant of equivalent standing, qualification or experience but does not necessarily denote an individual as a solicitor. Details of the company are listed at Companies House. VAT registration number 367 7435 58

Disclaimer: FT Chronic Pain Solicitors are not medical professionals. We do not endorse any sources or research mentioned throughout the website. We highly recommend anyone seeking medical advice to contact their GP or other local healthcare practice, and follow their professional advice when looking to undertake management of chronic pain conditions. Any information displayed on this website is for informational purposes only.

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