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Complaints Procedure

Client Feedback and Complaints - FT Chronic Pain Solicitors 

We are committed to providing a quality service to our clients. We value feedback from  clients greatly because it helps us to continually improve our service. If you do not feel that  you are receiving excellent client service or that something could be improved, please do tell  us about it. If we have fallen short of the high standards which we have set for ourselves  then we would like the opportunity to put it right.  


What do I do if I have feedback or a complaint?

At first it would be helpful if you could discuss any feedback or concerns which you have  about our service or how it might be improved with the lawyer dealing with your matter. If  the lawyer dealing cannot resolve your concern informally, or if the issue is of such a serious  nature that you do not feel comfortable raising it with your lawyer, then you may discuss this  with our complaints partner as a complaint under this policy.  


How do I raise a complaint under this policy?

It would help us if you could email with:  

  • why you feel dissatisfied with the service which you have received; 

  • how you would prefer to be contacted about your complaint; 

  • if there is anything in particular which you would like us to do to resolve your complaint. 

If you would prefer not to email details of your complaint in this way, then please call to discuss the best way to get an understanding of your concerns.  

What happens after I have made a complaint under this policy?

We will: 

  • send an acknowledgement of your complaint within 7 days of receiving it;

  • log your complaint on our central complaints register; 

  • investigate the concerns and arrange a discussion with you to try to agree how to resolve the issues within 21 days of receiving your complaint; 

  • write to you within 28 days of receiving your complaint to confirm the outcome of this. 


In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to extend these timescales but we will try to agree any variations with you first. If you remain unsatisfied after 8 weeks at the latest we will always ensure that you are reminded at that time of how to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman if you are eligible to do so. 

What might the outcome of my complaint be?

We very much regret any dissatisfaction which our clients experience and will not hesitate to apologise to you where our service has fallen below our high standards. We may also agree that certain steps will be taken to improve your situation and to ensure that any problems experienced will not reoccur.  

What to do if we cannot resolve your complaint?

The Legal Ombudsman can help you if we are unable to resolve your complaint ourselves. They will look at your complaint independently, and it will not affect how we handle your case. 

Before accepting a complaint for investigation, the Legal Ombudsman will check that you have tried to resolve your complaint with us first. If you have, then you must take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman: 


  • Within six months of receiving a final response from us to your complaint and;   

  • Within one year of the date of the act/omission about which you are concerned or   

  • Within one year of your realising there was a concern.  


If you would like more information about the Legal Ombudsman, please contact them: 

Contact Us:

Thank you for getting in touch, a member of the team will contact you.

We have an agile working ethos so we can be where you are. Our values are based on you and your requirements. 
We are a modern law firm which is not constrained by bricks and mortar so we prefer electronic communication in relation to documents.
Office Address for pre arranged meetings:
FT Chronic Pain Solicitors - Law Firm
41 Paxmans Road
BA13 4HS
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Call us on 0800 999 1078 or email
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FT Chronic Pain Solicitors is a trading name of FT Chronic Pain Limited, registered in England and Wales Company registration number 12880271, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority as an alternative business structure (ABS), license number 810130

Directors and Partners are Anne Felmingham, Principal Solicitor & Paul Turner. The term Partner is used to refer to a member of FT Chronic Pain Ltd or an employee or consultant of equivalent standing, qualification or experience but does not necessarily denote an individual as a solicitor. Details of the company are listed at Companies House. VAT registration number 367 7435 58

Disclaimer: FT Chronic Pain Solicitors are not medical professionals. We do not endorse any sources or research mentioned throughout the website. We highly recommend anyone seeking medical advice to contact their GP or other local healthcare practice, and follow their professional advice when looking to undertake management of chronic pain conditions. Any information displayed on this website is for informational purposes only.

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